another sign of spring

another sign of spring

wise words for April

"The first of April is the day we remember what we are for the other 364 days of the year"... Mark Twain

Monday, April 12, 2010

The count down is on!

Seedlings are started and growing really well.  We are planting alot of goodies. I haven't gardened in about 3 years so this is an old favorite pastime that I cherished and am ready to turn my thumb green once again.

Let's start with the vegetable garden... We have the seedlings started for the following; Giant pumpkins, green dragon cucumbers, green onion, lettuce, tomatillo, corn, honeydew melons and watermelons.  I will be starting seeds for sweet sliced cucumbers (I'm hoping they will be like the little cute gournmet cucumbers you find at Superstore), cherry and strawberry tomatoes, dill, basil, oregano and garlic chives.  I won't be forgetting carrots, peas, beans, roma tomatoes, onions and garlic.  Oh yes, I forgot strawberries, my favorite but they never really get to leave the garden as soon as they are that perfect colour red I pick and eat them.

So the timeline is on for the design of our vegetable gardens or in actuality our whole backyard again.  How could you have everything going so well to let it fade away.  Oh well no use crying it's time to put it back together.  Just wait until you hear about the flowers or rather see the pictures. 

In the next few weeks, I have to redesign our gardens, deck and window boxes.  Lots of projects, lots of work and lots of fun.

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